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WStudio Partners with Estée Lauder to Create Empowering Breast Cancer Campaign in the Middle East

We were approached by Estée Lauder due to our expertise in set design, production, and creative direction. As their partner for the Breast Cancer Campaign in the Middle East, we were tasked with creating a visually stunning and emotionally impactful campaign.

Drawing on our skills, we crafted a sensorial pink studio where inspirational survivors shared their stories. Behind each survivor, memories were projected onto a curtain, creating an intimate journey through their past, present, and future. Additionally, we integrated real fields of wheat into the studio, symbolizing growth and rebirth.

The campaign culminated in a real-time gala event held in the same studio, where survivors shared their stories in a moderated panel discussion, projected alongside their hero content. Throughout the project, our meticulous attention to detail and creative vision ensured the campaign’s success in raising awareness about breast cancer and celebrating the resilience of survivors. This success led Estée Lauder to return to us the following year with an even larger project, building upon the foundation we established together.

Estée Lauder BTS

Estée Lauder Campaign

"WStudio's work on our Middle East Breast Cancer Campaign is truly commendable, making a significant impact and celebrating survivors."

Estée Lauder

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